June 2007 - Launched the NEW site...go there! |
4/22/06 - The day after Christianna turned three...we finally received her U.S. birth certificate, which marks the end of finalizing her adoption! WOW, that took a while eh?
In other news, we got our house certified for rental (yeah, the city requires it...don't get us started), which required a few minor changes. Roger's current renter plans to move when school is out, so we're planning to move up to the farm sometime in June or so. We covet your prayers for a good transition...the thought of moving our stuff again, ugh! Recently Chris has been working for a friend's fabrication & welding business a day or two each week, which has been very enjoyable. Twenty years ago before joining the Navy, he worked in a machine shop for several months, so it's a little like going back in time. Additionally, there has been a new opportunity to leverage his tech experience while learning new areas of e-commerce as well. God is good - we're really at peace with our life pursuing Him, no matter where it takes us! |
The boys celebrated their 10th birthday in March by exclaiming they are a full decade now! They want to thank friends & family for the cards, gifts, & wishes all of which made them feel loved. As a family the celebration included a Perkins breakfast, new bicycles, clothes, & a day together topped off with carrot cake.
Christianna's third birthday followed in April, and she got to show off her new bicycle too. We shared cake & ice cream with our bible study group and international students. She continues to astound Mamma & Pappa with how quickly and how much she's learning. One of her recent "things" is trying to tell time...and she does a pretty good job! She has also become quite articulate, and is sure to share a large vocabulary with her brothers.
These kids are growing way too fast! Praises to God, they are healthy, but mostly a tremendous blessing! Check out the spring pictures! |
What happens between the holidays and birthdays? This year plenty happened! In January we took a trip to Buffalo via Detroit, then in Feburary we welcomed a new nephew/cousin; Luke Masyga born February 11th. In addition, we're honored to be his god-parents. God is good indeed! See the winter pictures!
Around December I (Chris) started helping Coleen's brother Roger with the evening milking about every-other day. Strange as it may seem to those who have known me a while, I enjoyed it! We kind of had this in mind back in October 2003, when we first entertained thoughts of moving to MN, but over time things changed. Now in February 2006 we started making plans to move up to the farm (and rent out our house in town), where I'll do more farm work in exchange for renting the house Coleen grew up in. We would be living between Coleen's parents and brother/sis-in-law/nieces. The idea is to be more help to Roger, while learning how to work and manage a farm as a business (should the opportunity to own one ourselves ever present itself). Meanwhile, as long as something works out with our house in Winona, we live more affordably on the farm, while continuing our other business/investing pursuits. It's where we believe the Lord is leading us at this time...so we trust in Him, in total peace, as we follow.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! We've been tremendously blessed throughout 2005, and are especially thankful to those who serve our country, keeping us safe! We cannot take our freedom and safety for granted - many may the Lord continue to bless our country, our troops, and thier families!
We just finished (12/28) reading Hudson Taylor, Growth of a Soul together as a family. This book and the companion volume were a gift from our realtor in VA, and it's been a tremendous blessing! The first volume ends with, "... Can we do too much for Him? Can we do enough for such a Saviour? Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were an offering far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Shall have my life, my soul, my all."
See the winter pictures. |
October 24th was the boys' fourth Gotcha Day anniversary!
The last week in October we traveled to Colorado so Christianna could meet our family out there. Wonderful stays were enjoyed with Chris' Mom and brother Andy, as well as Uncle Doug & Aunt JoAnn. Coleen's Uncle Jim & Aunt Cleo were also paid a visit, and we enjoyed a delicious dinner together. On the way home we spent a day touring Mt. Rushmore for the first time. There we met one of the original workers (not many left), which was quite an honor! We were there 10/31, 64 years to the day that work on the monument was stopped (technically not completed, as there were plans for more).
November brought Christianna's final adoption decree from the court (praise!!), and our first snow...see the Fall 2005 pictures! |
The boys finally go camping!
Over the second weekend in September the Rengert boys met Grandpa Rengert in Brodhead, WI to spend the weekend camping and flying. This is one of Grandpa's favorite fly-ins, and we're already looking forward to next year. Within minutes of arriving, we met a wonderful Christian family with several kids happy to have playmates their age. Of course Brandon & Benjamin were happy too - especially when their new friends showed them how to make s'mores around the campfire that night. Besides all the fun of camping and fellowship, we want to thank Ed (owner of Fang to the left) and Capt. Jim for the open-cockpit rides! See all the pictures.
Christianna's first Gotcha Day anniversary was celebrated 7/22 with a little picnic at the playground behind our house. Much of Coleen's family (those in town) joined us for cake and other treats, and of course lots of play. Unbelievable that a whole year has elapsed already...
A few days later Grandpa Rengert dropped in for a visit on his way to the annual Oshkosh Fly-in. We gave some thought to joining him in Oshkosh, but maybe another time. The summer wrapped up with a fun little family get together (& BBQ) over Labor Day weekend.
The Summer 2005 pictures are posted! |
 See the slideshow of pictures from all our late-spring fun |
We spent the month of May getting moved and settled in, and the weather stayed fairly cool & wet. Come Memorial Day though the weather broke, and we had a lot more sun to enjoy.
The middle of June was fun and busy with lots to do! The Rengert boys made their first visit to the nearby dirt track, Fox Ridge Speedway, which is sure to be followed by many more through the summer. The following weekend Winona Steamboat Days kicked off with parades, carnival rides, and more. We took in two parades, a lumberjack show, fireworks, and of course a few carnival treats! The same weekend also contained the Deke Slayton Airfest to nearby LaCrosse, WI. Grandpa Aldinger joined the Rengert boys for a fun, sunny day of airshow fun. |